Sunday, August 18, 2013

Peninsula Arts Shop Redesign

Project Brief

Peninsula Arts is currently running a small shop in the mail Gallery on the ground floor of the Roland Levinsky building. The project is limited by space since the current space for the shop is all of the available space and cannot be expanded. The shop staff are looking to redesign how they are able to use the space with the aim of displaying more merchandise and stock - providing a showcase and commercial outlet for students and staff artwork across the Faculty of Arts. This will include a wide range of books, artist bespoke artifacts, journals, t-shirts, objects, and other merchandise. Storage areas need to be factored into the design for managing stock. The budget is limited and the final design will be selected on both design, intelligent use of space, and optimal costs. The project will be split into two phases.

Phase 1:

Working with the current space of the Peninsula Arts Gallery shop - redesign the display units and book shelves - using the available wall area. The space must include a seating area and be wheel chair accessible. As the location of the shop may change an emphasis on modular or furniture pods is preferred. The space must also have a relationship to the Peninsula Arts brand.

Phase 2:

Re-imagine how the cross-point public space and gallery can be better connected, provide more user friendly and welcoming spaces, and encouraging a better flow within the space whilst maintaining gallery integrity and security. The design should introduce a contemporary, social, and cultural ambience within the cross-point space either through: seating areas, bar, cafe, or shop. The design should encourage social learning and develops a cultural economy both for daytime usage, and during the evenings to accompany the cinema, talks, and performances. The proposed design needs to recognize the flexibility of the cross-point space - with multiple uses i.e. exhibitions, VIP events, and performances.

Phase 1: The Shop

Phase 2: Connection of the Spaces

XTD 105/205 - Reinvent Your Home


For this  project we were to consider modern living and how we can use design to reinvent the way in which we inhabit and utilize a space. The project focused on the emotional and practical impact of design on the spaces we inhabit. The project was to fuse lifestyle, ergonomics, construction, specification, design communication and introducing the designers to legislative and professional factors of a design project to enable a comprehensive understanding of this industry sector. 

Project Aims
  • to provide the designers with the opportunity to explore a 3D pathway to inform their choices
  • to benefit from peer learning, fostering across year and across pathway team-work
  • to gain experience from all aspects of team-working including management, interpersonal skills, and communication
  • develop design awareness through an in-depth project chosen from a selection of topics
Learning Outcomes

  1. Observe, enquire, and critically assess the selected pathway through the selection and use of materials, processes, and environments. 
  2. Work effectively; develop organizational skills, demonstrating continued professional development, and developing a career path.
  3. Demonstrate interpersonal and social skills, by working in cross-year teams.
  4. Manage and work independently to link theory to practice, to conceptualize and then realize outcome. Develop aims to support career path. 
Design Brief

Using one of the different living space types create a brief for a fictitious or fact based client and then develop designs for that client to 'reinvent' the way in which they use and enjoy the space they inhabit. Proposals can involve redesign and modification of the building structures or focus on furniture/products within the spaces. The aim of the project is to develop a living environment that reflects the personality and lifestyle of the client and proposes innovative new ways of living. 

Final Design Boards