Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Drafting/Drawing Reflection

I think my drawings have noticeably improved over the course of this semester.  At the beginning of the semester I was having a lot of trouble with my line weight and line quality and getting use to the different leads plus my architectural lettering was severely lacking in many different areas.  However, over the course of the semester I started to adjust to using the different leads and controlling my line weight in order to improve my line quality.  My lettering has greatly improved over this semester but of course there is always room for more improvement in my drafting and drawing abilities.  I think what helped me the most as far as sketching goes was just learning to loosen up and just draw.  It also helped when Mira said "when you were little people told you whether you could or couldn't draw, but now you have to strip all that away and think like you can draw" and I agree with what she said because with practice and confidence anyone can draw and learn to do it really well.

Most successful assignment
I decided to include what I think is my most successful drafting assignment because I previously created a seperate blog post with my most successful sketches from this semester.  I think that this is my most successful drafting assignment because the line quality is good and I think the arrangement of the drawings on the page make for a good overall composition.  

I have learned a lot this semester in this drafting class.  I learned how to write in architectural lettering, draw perspectives and to draw objects in perspective along with learning so many other things.  The thing that I had the hardest time learning was remembering all of the steps to drawing a perspective in front of the picture plane but I think I have finally gotten the hang of it.  I found that it helped me to remember how to do it if I showed someone else what they were suppose to do because I was telling myself as well as them as I went over it.  This semester has been a lot of work but I have learned so many new things and I am looking forward to learning more next semester. 

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