Thursday, February 3, 2011

My Design Manifesto

A manifest is defined as a public declaration of policy and aims.  Living in a country with freedom of speech our manifesto can be about anything such as what we believe, what we value, how we feel about certain things, what we think, and how we choose to live.  All of these things shape the world around us as well as shaping us along the way.  Design is all about learning as you go and shaping the way you see and perceive things in the world around you and how you interpret that in return.  I know in my personal experience since coming into the interior architecture program my view of the world around me has changed a lot just over the course of a little over a semester and I know that it will continue to change as I learn more and I cannot wait!  I think design is really exciting, scary, challenging, and empowering all rolled into to one and I cannot imagine doing anything else.  Before you can succeed in design you have to fail.  As Tommy and Stole told us in the first couple of days in class “you have to learn how to fail before you can learn to succeed.”  It was quite a challenge failing and then having to learn to move on from that failure and turn it into a success.  I’ve come to view design as an adventure, you may come across some bumps in the road or get lost a few times but you get to have a blast along the way as well.  I approach studio in the same way because some days are really challenging and it would be easy to just throw in the towel and give up but I think the fight is worth it and I can’t wait to see where this adventure leads.

“Our job is to give the client…not what he wants, but what he never dreamed he wanted; and when he gets it, he recognizes it as something he wanted all the time.”
-Denys Lasdon quote from Designerly Ways of Knowing

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